Ozarks History Journal

Month: March 2025

Dr. Fannie Williams: “Skillful Surgeon and Successful Practitioner”


Galena, Kansas, Weekly Republican, October 10, 1885.

Dr. Fannie Williams is elusive. Though she was well known in the Joplin area during the 1870s and 1880s, little is known about her.

Fannie may have been born and raised in Kansas. (In 1885, her father and brother both lived in Kansas.)

She attended medical school at the University of Iowa and graduated in 1876.

By 1877, she was living in Joplin and treating patients. Although it was uncommon for female doctors to treat male patients, Fannie treated men, women, and children.

She was known occasionally as Mrs. Dr. Fannie E. Williams.  In the 1880 Joplin census record, she was listed as a widow. Unfortunately, I have yet to determine her husbands name or find her marriage record.

In 1885, she was living and working in Carthage. “Her fame as a skillful surgeon and successful practitioner [enabled] her to establish herself in the new home in a short time.” She apparently had recently moved from Joplin to Carthage. Despite being a female in this era, she seemed to have little or no problem in being accepted as a qualified, competent doctor and was thus able to have a successful practice.

By 1886, Fannie was the superintendent of the Department of Health for the Carthage WCTU and regularly gave scientific lectures. At this time, the WCTU had a scientific education department, mainly focused on health, particularly the health benefits of abstaining from alcohol.

She still had ties to Kansas and even spoke in Garland as a state lecturer for the WCTU. She was invited to give a lecture there on July 3rd, 1886.

In 1886, the Missouri WCTU convention was held in Carthage and of course, Fannie was one of the speakers. She lectured the ladies on wearing too tight clothing, apparently a pet peeve of hers.

Throughout the month of June, 1887, Fannie spent her time in an Ozark court room with Cora Lee. She was with her throughout her trial for the murder of Sarah Graham. (For more about the murder, click here.) Fannie and Cora likely met through the WCTU.

In December 1887, Fannie left the Ozarks and moved to Riverside, California, apparently for her health. She continued to practice medicine and work with the WCTU, lecturing about health.

Riverside (California) Daily Press, January 18, 1888

Fannie was sick for much of the year in 1889. In October, the Riverside Daily Press reported that her health was much improved and she hoped to return to work soon. Unfortunately, her condition worsened and she died in early November.


Springfield’s First Police Matron – Susan McIntire

Springfield Republican, 20 November 1902

Police matron work at this time, at least in Springfield, was primarily social work. A police matron would be responsible for, among other duties, searching female prisoners and visiting the jail each morning to check on underage prisoners who needed her assistance.

It wasn’t until about October of 1902 that city council agreed to create the position of police matron. The first woman to hold the job was Mrs. McIntire, who had first pointed out the need. Unfortunately, the position was unpaid. The WCTU provided a stipend; otherwise, McIntire had to solicit donations to do her daily work.

The Springfield Republican reported that “Mrs. McIntire is one of the busiest women in town and she is continually besieged by people looking for help.” McIntire visited prisoners, helped the indigent with food and medical care, and attended court with juveniles.

McIntire’s monthly reports, published in local newspapers, were disheartening, filled with news of hungry or abused children and people out of work with no food or shelter. According to her first report, she spent the month convincing several “fallen” young women to go home and raised money to help them do so; visited prisoners in jail; helped a woman and her sick children; and helped several destitute citizens find food, clothes, and housing.

Finally, in early 1903, McIntire is granted a salary. Just over a year later, in April 1904, the ordinance creating the office of police matron was repealed. Susan McIntire was out of a job.

Despite the efforts of McIntire, local police officers, and the WCTU, Springfield did not have another police matron until late 1910.

The First Female Sheriff

The first female sheriff in the United States, Helen Stewart, was born in New Jersey in 1850 to Susan and James Garwood. By the time she was 20-years-old, the family lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where her father worked as a railroad superintendent and her and her mother worked as milliners.

Helen married Daniel P. Stewart at her home in Scranton on 11 January 1872. Daniel, born in 1838, was a railroad engineer from Albany, New York. The couple had four children and, by 1890, the family lived in Springfield.

Dan was elected sheriff of Greene County in November 1894. He only got to serve less than a year of his term; he died on July 23rd, 1895, possibly of peritonitis after complaining of “violent pain in the stomach” the previous Sunday. He died shortly after undergoing surgery. Dan was only 57-years-old.

Stewart’s death left the county without a sheriff. Dr. James Ormsbee, Greene County Coroner, served at interim sheriff, but several “prominent Republicans” proposed to nominate Stewart’s widow, Helen, to succeed her husband.

Several Republicans were in the running for sheriff, including former sheriff T.A.H. Grantham, although none of them were yet willing to announce their intention to seek the office until after “due respect had been paid” to Stewart. The Democrats also had a slate of candidates, including former sheriff F. M. Donnell. In the meantime, someone would be appointed to fill Stewart’s office before the election. Some thought it should be the deceased sheriff’s son, Dan Stewart, Jr. However, Dan Junior was only about 18-years-old and the legality of him being old enough to hold office was questionable. As for Helen Stewart, some Republicans pointed out that there was no state law “prohibiting a woman from holding office.”

On Friday afternoon, August 9, 1895, the county court appointed Dan Stewart’s widow to take over office until a special election could be held. With this, Helen C. Stewart became the first female sheriff in the United States. She took the oath of office at 2:20 p.m. and promptly reappointed all of the deputies Dan has appointed, except for Edmonson, who was ineligible because he was running for sheriff. Meanwhile, Democrats and Republicans were planning to select candidates for the upcoming special elections. The special election was held on September 10 and former Sheriff F. M. Donnell was elected.

By about 1910, Helen and most of her children had moved to Kansas City. It was there she died on April 30th, 1919, of burns received from a fire at her home. She was 70-years-old. She was returned to Springfield and buried with her husband at Maple Park Cemetery.


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